第11回折紙探偵団九州コンベンション・招待講師/Special Guest

Oriol Esteve

オリオール・エステべ(バルセロナ、1972年)は、AEP(スペイン折紙協会)会員およびOAS(Origami Always Succeed)グループのメンバーで、手早くデザインする折り紙を専門としています。彼の好きな主題は少し漫画っぽい動物ですが、本質的なアプローチを維持しています。

「考えるのをやめて折り始めよう」("Stop Thinking, Start Folding", 2018)
「流れで折る」("Fold with the Flow", 2020)


「ドローイング折紙2」 ("Drawing Origami 2",ニコラス・テリー・編集)
「ネコの折紙」 ("Cats in Origami", ニック・ロビンソン・編集)
「折り紙ドラゴンズプレミアム」 (山口真・編集)

Oriol Esteve (Barcelona, 1972) is a member of the AEP (Spanish Origami Association) and the OAS group (Origami Always Succeed), specialized on quick origami designs. His favourite subject is slightly cartoonish animals, but keeping an essential approach.

He is the author of two origami books, edited by Nicolas Terry: "Stop Thinking, Start Folding" (2018) and "Fold with the Flow" (2020). Lately, He has become deeply interested in designing models with a very direct folding process.

Special guest in the OrigaMIT (2018), Bogota, Lyon and Sevilla (2019). With the OAS group, in 2019, He was also invited to the Israel Convention and the PCOC Portland Convention.

Oriol Esteve models have appeared in several convention books, including four participations in the Origami Tanteidan Convention Book and the Origami Tanteidan magazine. Some of his works have appeared in compilation books as "Drawing Origami 2" (edited by Nicolas Terry), "Cats in Origami" (edited by Nick Robinson), "The Elegance of Origami" and "Origami Dragons Premium" (both edited by Makoto Yamaguchi).
